錯太多!Wednesday, Dec. 29, 2010I absolutely could not believe the 酒店經紀number of mistakes — wrong dates and wrong facts everywhere. How in 西服the world did these books get approved? · 銀行利率 RONALD HEINEMANN,· a former history 支票借款professor at Hampden-Sydney College , who reviewed a textbook used in 室內設計some Virginia schools at the state's requestPhoto: Michele G2000Constantini / PhotoAlto / Getty Images | Source: Washington Post 一位歷 結婚西裝史 教授受為吉你亞洲所託檢視當學州學校用的教科書, 發現太多錯誤了, 這位教辦公室出租授說我絕對無法相信錯誤的數字, 錯誤的日期, 錯誤的事實, 到處都是,到底這些酒店打工書是怎麼出版的?????Read more: 居酒屋http://www.time.com/time/quotes/0,26174,2039985,00.html #ixzz19Z6htiV4

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